LA Upstander: Hailey C. | Facing History & Ourselves
Picture of Hailey C.

LA Upstander: Hailey C.

Hailey has been a prominent voice in our weekly Upstander meetings regardless of the topic. She has advocated for us to support people experiencing homelessness through various means.

Hailey has been a prominent voice in our weekly Upstander meetings regardless of the topic. She has advocated for us to support people experiencing homelessness through various means. For example, she created an Instagram post asking our school community to support the LA Regional Food Bank to help address the homelessness crisis. Her post was shared on our school page and was tagged by the LA Regional Food Bank themselves. 

Instagram post created by Hailey C., asking her school community to support the LA Regional Food Bank to help address the homelessness crisis.

Hailey presented about our school's anti-bullying policy at our Open House for prospective 6th graders this year. As a 6th grade student it was powerful for parents to hear from her about how the students can support each other in middle school. She also created a slideshow to present to our Upstanders group about how we could support small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Hailey has even moved the staff leader of the Upstanders group to stand up and do more for their community. She always asks great questions and really cares so deeply about others. She is currently working on creating an activity challenge for all students to participate in for Earth Day.

Hailey's upstanding stands out because she is very vocal about important issues and is willing to express her opinion. She wants to make things better at our school and beyond and wants our school to be active in the community and really make a difference.